Engineered Pool Supplies Ltd

26 Hornsby Square, Southfield's Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS15 6SD
T: 01268 418808  F: 01268 418810

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Indoor Pools  

The design of indoor swimming pools is obviously very different from that of outdoor pools. Indoor pools are not subject to the fluctuations in day and night temperatures of outdoor pools, but they do require room ventilation to control humidity.. Without a proper dehumidification system, high indoor humidity levels will cause numerous problems, including condensation on cold surfaces and rusting of ferrous components.. Given a poorly treated environment and pool water, even stainless steel can corrode to destruction!!

As the air temperature drops, it becomes saturated and the moisture begins to condense on any adjacent surface below a certain temperature (Known as the Dew Point). Indoor swimming pool schemes are often designed with a room temperature of 30 degrees C and a relative humidity of 60%. These conditions have an associated dew point of about 22C.

The design basis for indoor swimming pools is to ensure that no surface in the pool hall cools to below dew point causing the moisture to condense. Air distribution plays a key role in this and the objective is to completely blanket the area with warm dry air supplied by the dehumidifier, thereby increasing the surface temperature to above dew point.

The dehumidification scheme is designed to control surface condensation to an absolute minimum. EPS can also help and advise your architectural team to ensure that the more destructive "interstitial" condensation does not occur due to poor building design and detailing.